Satavahanas, Vidarbha region, Chhimuka II (c.50-30BC), Copper, 3.43g, “Elephant” type, Obv: Outline of an Elephant with raised trunk along the bottom margin, triangle-headed standard in a decorative railing above its back; Brahmi legend “…(Siri) Chhimuka…” above, Rev: Ornate Ujjain symbol with concentric circles as orbs. Very fine, extremely rare. Only two types of coins of Chhimuka II are known from Vidarbha – the elephant and the ‘bold taurine’ type, which was published in the first issue of the Indian Coin Society Newletter in 1990. The elephant type coins bear close similarity to the issues of Kosikiputa Siri Satakani, suggesting a close proximity in their issue.