Ancient Central Maharashtra- Vidarbha, Pre-Satvahanas period, c. 200-150BC, Uninscribed Die struck Copper, 4.61g, Obv: In a circular incuse, a depiction of a pair of Elephants lustrating an “arrowhead” symbol within a sacred railing. The railing appears to be supported by a Lotus and the Elephants are standing on lotuses, as well, Rev: Stylized representation of a “river Goddess” a female deity standing facing, holding a pair of fish in one outstretched hand while the other hand is held akimbo. A wavy line representing a river to the left (Unpublished in major sources). Very fine, extremely rare. The depiction on obverse is yet another interesting and unusual insight into the evolution of the iconography of the ‘Abhisheka’ motif and components incorporated within it. Although the overall scheme of the depiction is reminiscent of the ‘Abhisheka’ of Lakshmi motif, the symbol that occupies centrality is an arrowhead-like emblem. Contextually, it might represent a ‘sky’ or ‘male’ equivalent of the ‘earth’ or ‘female’ principle, which is usually symbolized by the goddess Shri or Lakshmi.