Satavahanas, Nasik region, Vasithiputa Siri Satakani (c.85-125AD), Alloyed Copper, 3.30g, “Elephant” type, Obv: Elephant standing with raised trunk facing right, amphora on the back, Brahmi legend “Raño Vasithiputasa Siri Satakanisa” from 9 o’clock, Rev: Ujjain symbol with concentric circles as orbs within a circular border. Very fine, extremely rare. Usually, elephant type Nasik coins of Siri Pulumavi bear a composite symbol of tree-in-railing and ‘Ujjain’ symbol on the reverse. This is a unique variation where the tree is entirely absent. It shows close similarity with the coin of Vasithiputa Siri Satakani described above in terms of general execution and fabric.