Satavahanas, Junnar region, Chhimuka II (c.50-30BC), Alloyed Copper, 3.15g, “Lion” type, Obv: Characteristic maned Lion standing facing left, a three-arched hill below its belly and a ploughshare standard in a railing in front (both partly visible), Brahmi legend “Raño Siri Chhimu…” above, Rev: Ujjain symbol with Nandipadas in quadrants. Extremely fine, exceedingly rare. The known coins of Chhimuka II in the ‘Junnar lion’ type are exceedingly rare and can be counted on fingers of a hand. The relationship between Satakani and Chhimuka II is clearly illustrated through this coin and it is evident that the chronological difference between the two cannot be very much as the execution of their coins is almost identical. Similar inference could also be drawn from coins excavated at Kotalingala. These coins therefore serve as a substantiation of two rulers named ‘Chhimuka’ in the Satavahana dynasty, Chhimuka II being distinct than Chhimuka / Simuka the originator of the dynasty.